
Meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month, AC229, 11 am.

The Academic Senate voted at its September 23, 2010 meeting to approve the formation of a Distance Education Committee (DEC) as a subcommittee of the Academic Senate that will oversee the development and implementation of distance education offerings at College of Marin. Reports are given periodically to the Academic Senate and are included in the Academic Senate minutes.

This Committee may include at least eight volunteer faculty appointed by the Academic Senate from various disciplines who presently offer distance education classes or have distance education experience. Additionally, membership should include a Counselor, a representative from Student Accessibility Services (SAS), and a representative from Information Technology. The committee is co-chaired by the Distance Education Coordinator, Assistant Vice President of Instructional Support, and Instructional Designer.


The Distance Education Committee will:

  • Develop long-term strategies for the development of distance education at College of Marin.
  • Research and make recommendations regarding distance education platforms and applications.
  • Provide guidelines and training in use of the District Learning Management System (LMS) platform.
  • Develop protocols and consistent procedures for all faculty to use for Distance Education classes.
  • Develop and implement a method for ensuring academic integrity and student authentication.
  • Research and develop policies regarding regular and substantive interaction in distance education classes.
  • Research and make recommendations to the Curriculum Committee on course outlines for distance education courses including ADA and Title 5 Compliance
  • Provide guidance on best practices in student support including tutoring, technical support, counseling, and library services.
  • Research and publish best practices for student success and retention in distance education classes.
  • Make recommendations to the professional development committee for flex workshops.
  • Provide recommendations on selection and evaluation procedures for DE offerings.
  • Work closely with the Curriculum Committee to review proposals for new and revised DE courses. All DE courses are vetted by the Distance Education Committee (DEC).

The Senate will consult with UPM on all negotiable items.

DEC charge revised and approved in September, 2021

2022—2023 Members


Maria Coulson
Erik Dunmire
Rachel Klein
Joshua Kas-Osoka
Jessica Park
Emily Schaefer
Kathleen Smyth (Co-Chair)


Cari Torres (Co-Chair)

Classified Professionals

Andy Haber
Elle Dimopoulos
Stacey Lince (Co-Chair)

Staff Resources

Dong Nguyen
Burton Schane