- Opening Day Guides from Enrollment Services
- Class Rosters
- Adding Students
- Online Census Rosters for Dropping/Withdrawing Students
- Positive Attendance
- Student Attendance
- Pre-Requisite Enforcement
- Co-Requisite Enforcement
- Time Conflicts
- Independent Study
- Grading Option Deadline
- Auditing
- Enrollment Services FAQs
- Interactive Online Student Petitions
Opening Day Guides from Enrollment Services
Enrollment Services is posting the most recent guides on this webpage.
Here is the one for Spring 2025:
Important information about Authorization Codes - August 2022 from Jon Horinek, Dean of Enrollment Services
The online registration system WILL NOT prompt a student to use an Add Authorization Code until the first day of instruction for the course. The start date was set at the start of instruction for the term (Aug. 22) online asynchronous and hybrid classes. For courses with an in-person designation, the first date of scheduled meetings is used as the start of instruction for Add Authorization Codes.
Waitlists are FROZEN after the first day of all instruction for the term (Aug. 22) as published in the academic calendar. Student MAY continue to place themselves on the wait list but they will not automatically be moved if a space opens in the class.
Add Codes are NOT time limited. Once an add authorization is given to a student it does not expire until the last day to add (Sept. 11).
Add Codes cannot be reused and they should only be given to one student.
Add codes provided in the Faculty Portal are nonsequential and can be distributed in any order.
We STRONGLY recommend distributing add authorization codes that DO NOT contain the letter O or the number zero (0) as this causes confusion.
Students who are already on wait lists will need to REMOVE themselves from the wait list before using the add authorization code.
We are sending frequent communication to students regarding the Add Authorization Code process.
Please share this VIDEO link with students: https://youtu.be/ljoBx9Dq37E
Class Rosters: Opening Day Roster(s) may be accessed via the MyCOM Portal at http://mycom.marin.edu.
Faculty should definitely print out their rosters and waitlists immediately prior to the first day of class so that you know who was trying to get into class in case you have room or want to give priority in order of their names on your wait list.
Please check your MyCOM Portal for up-to-date information.
Adding Students on the First Class Meeting: If there’s space, faculty may give a student an add code and instruct the student to log into the MyCOM Portal to add the class. Waitlisted students need add codes too. Students can use the add codes starting on the day of the first class meeting.
To add a student during the add period starting the first day of your class, you will need to give the student an authorization code. Add Authorization Codes are available on the Faculty Dashboard of the MyCOM Portal (lower right side).
- Log into the portal.
- Click on Employee Tab.
- On right side of the page below the Employee Dashboard, you will find the Faculty Dashboard. Make sure that you have selected the current semester in the drop down menu.
- Click on the Authorization Code Link in the Faculty Dashboard.
- To choose the correct CRN, scroll through the list of classes in the drop down menu and hit submit.
- If any of your classes do not appear in the pull down list, try clicking on [Enter CRN Directly] & enter the CRN.
- Print out the list.
- Click on the Faculty Services Tab at the top of the page.
- Select the Term and class
- Click on ADD AUTHORIZATION CODES & you will get a new list.
On the first day of class (or during the ADD period), give the four digit Add Authorization code to students who wish to add. Write down the student’s name on your list & keep the list for your records. It is not necessary to write the number on an enrollment card unless the student is adding in-person at Enrollment Services.
Students may use the authorization codes beginning the day of the first class meeting.
NOTE: Add Authorization Codes will no longer work after the last day to add classes; therefore, do not distribute add codes after the last day to add. The last day to add full-term and short term courses is posted both on the Academic Calender page of the COM web site and in the Schedule of Classes. You will also receive notification by email from Enrollment Services.
Adding Students on the First Day of Instruction:
Once you have given the student an Add Code, please instruct the student to log into the MyCOM Student Portal and follow the instructions for adding a class.
NOTE: If a student wishes to process his/her add in person, the signature of the instructor on an Enrollment Card will not be accepted in lieu of the Add Authorization Code.
Here is how it works:
- When a class is at capacity, the students may choose to place themselves on the class waitlist.
- If spaces become available during the registration period, students are automatically enrolled in the class.
Important things to know regarding the automated waitlist:
- Students must meet the course pre-requisite prior to placing themselves in a waitlist. (Choose "drop/delete" from the drop down menu and click submit changes.)
- Students can only put themselves on one section of the same course.
- Automated wait listing will be turned off on day of the first class meeting. It will be turned on again in two weeks for Late-Starting classes.
- Once the semester begins students will need an Add Authorization Code to enroll in classes even if they’re on the waitlist.
Faculty may access their waitlist(s) through the MyCOM Portal on the “Faculty Dashboard” Channel. NOTE: Faculty are advised to print out their waitlist(s) prior to the first day of instruction. If you need assistance in printing your waitlist(s) or did not print a copy, please contact your departmental assistant. Faculty wishing to add students from the waitlist must give the student an Add Authorization Code.
Please remind students that were on a waitlist in order to use the add codes on the MyCOM portal they must:
- Select “Web Registered” from the Action pull down menu & Submit Changes
- Validate Add Code & then click on Submit Changes
Students that were not on a waitlist simply enter the CRN and get the prompt to enter the add code & click submit.
Waitlists for full-term, early start & short-term classes that begin at the start of the term, will be purged after the first week of the term. Waitlists for late-starting classes will be purged at midterm.
NOTE from Dean of Enrollment Services - August 16, 2016: Importance of dropping no-show students
Census Rosters for full-term and short-term classes are available online through the MyCOM Faculty Portal beginning the first class meeting until 7 days after the Last Day to Add (the Last Day to Add is the same as your Add Authorization Code Expiration Date)
To access the a Census Roster, you must be listed as the primary instructor AND your class must have already started. You will be able to make changes to your census roster until the deadline has passed.
- Go to the Employee Tab.
- On the Faculty Dashboard on the right side of the screen and be sure to select the correct semester,
- Follow the Summary Class List/Census Roster link, then follow the "Drop/No Show/Reinstate/Census Roster" link.
- To flag a student as a "No Show", use the drop down "Action" menu box, and select "No Show". You also have the option to select "Drop" and provide a drop date (MM/DD/YYYY) in the next column to the right. If you do not provide a date, "today's date" will be automatically populated. A "No Show" student will display the Registration Status, "Dropped before First Day”. A student, who was dropped with a date, will display the Registration Status, "Dropped after First Day". If you need to re-add a student, use the drop down "Action" menu box, and select "Reinstate".
- Save your changes using the button located at the bottom of the roster page to apply your changes, or your changes to your roster will be lost.
Instructors of Positive Attendance Classes
You may use these same procedures to clear their rosters of "no-show" students.
IMPORTANT: Please review your class rosters periodically during the first three weeks of instruction (add period) to determine if all students participating in your class(es) are officially registered. If you have students participating in your class(es) and they do not appear on your roster(s), do not allow the student to continue to participate. Send the student directly to the Enrollment Services Office to officially enroll.
The "Drop/No Show/Reinstate/Census Roster” link will disappear from your faculty dashboard 7 days after census. After that, drops will need to be processed through Enrollment Services.
Showing drops on CANVAS
Students who have been officially dropped by their instructor (using the portal) will not have to do anything further to drop the course (in person or on Canvas). Please allow 24 hours from instructor drop on portal to sync with drop in Canvas.
Positive Attendance Classes Are Any Of The Following:
- Short-term credit courses scheduled to meet fewer than 5 days.
- Credit courses scheduled irregularly with respect to the number of days of the week and the number of hours the course meets on the scheduled days.
- Open-entry/open exit credit courses.
- In-service training courses such as credit courses, regardless of length, for police, fire, corrections and other criminal justice system occupations.
- All noncredit courses.
Dropping Students Enrolled In Positive Attendance Classes:
Please see Online Census Rosters for Dropping/Withdrawing Students above.
In order to attend class, all students should either be on your roster, or have received and Add Authorization Code from you and have a computer printout receipt from Enrollment Services or their MyCOM Portal as proof of registration. If your class has prerequisites or co-requisites, please verify that the student is eligible to take your class. See below.
Enforcement of prerequisites takes place at the time of enrollment, no longer at the classroom level. Students enrolled in classes that appear on class rosters or waitlists have met prerequisite requirements.
Courses that require a co-requisite have been populated in BANNER. BANNER is enforcing co-requisite requirements at the time a student registers/enrolls for classes. If a student does not enroll in the required co-requisite course they will be block from enrolling.
As a general rule the State of California prohibits student’s attendance in two or more courses which meet at the same or overlapping time. However, it is recognized that without an occasional overlap in schedule, students could be denied the opportunity to complete their studies in a reasonable period of time. COM will permit a student to enroll in overlapping courses if (a) rationale justification (scheduling convenience is not one) on a student-by-student basis can be established. An example where a Time Conflict may be approved is when a student needs a course in order to graduate at the end of the term in which the time conflict exists and there is only one section of the course scheduled for that term, and the student cannot make any adjustments to his/her schedule. Signatures of both instructors are required on the Time Conflict form. Please do not sign a Time Conflict form unless the circumstances warrant the Time Conflict.
Independent Study
- Students must have completed 12 degree applicable units.
- Students must be in good academic standing and progress standing and have earned a cumulative GPA of 2.0.
- The Independent Study Contract must be completed by the student, approved by the instructor and signed by the department chairperson.
- Independent Study Contracts must be submitted to the Enrollment Services by the last day to add.
Students may change their grading option on-line through deadline.
Courses that have an option of a Letter Grade or Pass (P)/ No Pass (NP) will automatically default to the Letter Grade option. Students who would like Pass/No Pass grading must choose this grading option by the posted deadline for full-term length courses. This deadline is posted on the Academic Calender page of the COM web site and in the Schedule of Classes. The deadline date for short-term courses is located in the Schedule of Classes. Students who wish to make the change in person may submit A “Change of Grading Option Request” form to Enrollment Services.
NOTE: A student may change his/her selection until the 30% deadline date. Once the deadline date has passed, the selection cannot be changed. Please remind students that they are responsible for making this choice and submitting the appropriate forms.
Courses that are graded only with Pass/No Pass as stated in the Course Outline will default to Pass/No Pass. Course syllabi should reflect this information.
In conformity with Education Code 76370, College of Marin has adopted a policy of auditing classes.
Attending classes with the intent to audit without registering as an auditor is NOT permitted. Students may audit select classes (see the Auditable Course list posted online on the Schedule of Classes page) for a fee of $15.00 per unit plus any additional course costs. Students regularly enrolled in 10 or more units may audit up to 3 units free of charge.
- Auditors must be eligible for admission to college as regularly enrolled students (Current application on file through the online process).
- Auditor status is allowed only if student has exhausted repeat possibilities as a regular student & Petition to Repeat was denied.
- Auditors must meet the course prerequisite
- Instructor must provide an Add Authorization code on the Audit Enrollment card (available at Enrollment Services) to show approval for student to attend class as an auditor on a space available basis.
- Auditors will be allowed to register only after the First Census date of the class.
- Auditors may NOT attend or participate until official enrollment is secured after the First Census date of the class.
- Auditors may NOT change their status to regular student in the class (or reverse).
- Once the auditor fee is paid, it will not be refunded.
- No grades can be earned or transcripts maintained.
Students registered, as auditors only, will not be entitled to the regular student health services (other than emergencies).
A list of courses designated as auditable is available here: http://www1.marin.edu/course-audit
When are the Enrollment Services Offices open at Kentfield and IVC?
Academic Calendar - Important Dates
- When is the last day to drop or reduce coursework and still qualify for a refund of enrolment fees, nonresident tuition and international student tuition for full-term credit courses?
- When is the last day to add full-term credit classes in-person?
- When is the last day to add full-term credit classes on-line?
- When is the last day to drop a regular full-term class without a "W" grade?
- When is the last day to drop a short-term/nonstandard class? (Date equivalent to 30% of term for short-term/nonstandard classes.)
- When is the last day to select a “Pass, No-Pass” or “Letter” grading option for full–term classes?
- When is the last day to withdraw from full-term class(es) with a "W"?
New Interactive Online Petitions -this feature allows students to submit a Petition online through their MyCOM Student Portal by clicking on the link called "Petition Request". This new feature is paperless and very fast! The student simply fills out the online form and submits it electronically to Enrollment Services. All reviews and decisions are handled online and students get an email as soon as the Petition has been approved or denied. This entire process can take as little as 30 minutes start to finish for a simple Petition and much less than the 10-15 days it used to take with a paper Petition. Join COM’s effort to be GREEN, go paperless and save time by doing your Petition online! Spread the Word!
If you, as an instructor or Department Chair need to approve any kind of petition, please be aware that emails asking for approval will go to your MyCOM Portal email. So please check it often or have it forwarded to an email that you check regularly. Please let your students know about this as well!
Below is a sample petition and documentation from the new MyCOM Portal Petitions. Student information would be filled out when you receive it (but is blank here) – but you will get an idea of the format.
Student Petition Documentation Humorous Example (Clearly, this particular petition would only be accepted by the cat lovers among you! Please remember, it is only a humorous SAMPLE.)
If you receive an email asking for your input on a student petition, you will find it in the MyCOM portal. You will click “edit” and find the space at the bottom of the page for faculty. You will also need to click whether or not you support the petition and hit submit.
Petition Guidelines are here:
Petition FAQs are here:
For other questions, please contact Enrollment Services.