Preamble and Bylaws


The faculty of the College of Marin have established the Academic Senate "whose primary function is, as the representative of the faculty, to make recommendations to the administration...and to the governing board of [the] district with respect to academic and professional matters." [Title 5, California Code of Regulations, §53200(b)] 


Regular meetings of the Academic Senate shall take place during the spring and fall semesters. The Senate president will establish the meeting schedule with the advice and consent of the Senate. Meeting times and locations shall be posted in the meeting agendas. 

At regular meetings, the Senate will follow standard parliamentary rules for conducting business. The rules may be suspended for urgent matters, unless expressly subject to other procedures by law.  

Special meetings may be called by the president, or by a majority of the Executive Committee, upon 24 hours written notice. Special meetings are limited to consideration and action upon only those topics listed in the notice of the meeting. Any senator who attends a special meeting waives all defects in notice. 


A majority of senators then in office shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a call for a quorum, the members present may conduct business not requiring action. 


The agenda for regular meetings shall clearly delineate information, action, and discussion items and is subject to modification by action of the senators present. 


The Academic Senate shall comply with applicable provisions of Public Meetings laws, Public Records laws, and the Brown Act in posting notice and agenda of meetings.  


Senators shall vote at Senate meetings by voice or show of hands. Upon request by any senator, voting shall be by roll. Senators must be present at Senate meetings to cast votes. 


The Senate shall have the following standing committees: 

  • Academic Standards Committee 
  • Curriculum Committee 
  • Distance Education Committee 
  • Student Learning Outcome Assessment Council 

The president may, with the advice and consent of the Senate, establish ad hoc committees whose composition, duration and purpose shall be set forth in the record at the time of their creation. The president may assign individuals to various tasks which are from time to time deemed necessary.  


The faculty shall be represented by two members to the College of Marin Foundation Board. The positions shall be filled by appointment by the college President, with the advice and consent of the other members of the Senate. Candidates shall be solicited from Senate members and other appropriate sources and will serve 2-year terms. 


There is hereby created an Executive Committee consisting of the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. The Senate president and vice-president shall represent the Senate during intercessions, including summers, and shall be elected by the senators from among their members. 



No later than the last full week in April of each year, it shall be the duty of the Senate vice-president or designee if the vice-president is on the ballot to: 

prepare notices of election 

identify current senators and the number of vacant positions 

solicit candidates for the office of senator from the faculty 

prepare a slate of candidates 

distribute ballots 

count ballots 

certify election results to the Senate 


At the first meeting of a newly elected Senate, officer nominations and elections will be held. 


The position shall be filled by appointment by the President, with the advice and consent of the other members of the Senate. The President shall solicit names of candidates from the senators and other appropriate sources. The replacement senator shall serve for the balance of the term of the vacated office. 


Faculty groups may request Academic Senate endorsements or sponsorships for purposes consistent with the purposes and authority of the Academic Senate. Such requests shall be in writing and contain the purposes of the group, qualifications for membership, the name of a contact person, and the proposed duration of the group. If the Senate requests, the group shall submit its Articles or Bylaws for consideration and shall be reviewed annually. 


A resolution may be submitted to the Academic Senate, signed by 40 faculty members from at least three departments, calling for a referendum to be voted on by faculty with current assignment during the semester in which the referendum is held, with a two-thirds majority of the total number of votes cast for passage. The issue(s) addressed must fall within the purview of Senate responsibilities as mandated by Title 5, Cal Code of Regulations. 

Adopted by the Academic Senate: February 27, 1992 
Revised: November 14, 1995; September 19, 2022